Shot Zen Jutsu 2.0 Steel Tip Dart Set ZJST-723 23 gm
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Product Details
UPC: 9415639042399
Brand: SHOT
Tags: AM2023
Jutsu will perfect the technique of striking swiftly and accurately with its ultra front weighted, torpedo silhouette and combo of ring grips - with a bite. Jutsu is your rock-solid guide to self-defense, as you sharpen your edge and improve with every game. Jutsu is designed to meet the need of players who throw from the very front of a dart barrel. Just behind this dart's nose is a very focused grip; it's also where the push point sits. Front dart throwers can take their fingers up to the very tip, and still get a very controlled throw and the increased grip will aid this. Wide rings make up the remainder of the Jutsu dart design; the hard-wearing square grooves placed just inside each ring provide the 4/5 grip level and an assured "bite". Zen Jutsu can be thrown from the back or center also, for those who prefer a heavy front weighted dart.